John Fischer

Throughout his work Fischer uses a variety of media and styles that were always at the leading edge of developments in the art world. Sculptures hanging on soft springs, mountains of breads that the public could lie down in, throw at each other, the invitation  to the public to bake thejr own sculptures at “Loafer Bread Baking Festivals” as but some of these innovations.
The years following abstract expressionist dominance see Fischer making these objects, sculptures and happenings with real bread, often fashioned by the artist at his favorite bakery. His sculptures gained wide recognition in one man exhibitions at the Alan Stone Gallery, EVERSON MUSEUM, Syracuse, NY; The NEW YORK CULTURAL CENTRER; Sonraed Gallery; and numerous group shows including New York’s “MUSEUM OF MODERN ART” (1968); NY CULTURAL CENTER, THE BROOKLYN MUSEUM various shows in  Connecticut, Arkansas, Chicago and Europe. His Bread Sculptures included a series of jewelry pieces that were worn by thousands of people. (The Real Thing) They were featured on national television including the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson and the Merv Griffin Show as well as in participatory events such as the Loafers Bread Baking Festivals. (1968 to 1974).

When Salvador Dali saw these early images he said “You are first legitimate Bread Sculptor.” Marcel Duchamp’s wife Tini said “Yes, but it’s just a piece of bread!” Marcel Duchamp said in all seriousness Yes Tini but IT’S TOAST!” Louise  Bourgeois said “It’s a style.” When Johnny Carson asked Fischer “Why Bread?” he answered simply ”Why not Bread?” Everyone else said “You’ll never go hungry.”